Monday, 26 November 2007

Any department within a company/organisation needs budgets to prevent them from becoming bankrupt. This is because if a company spends more than they earn they get themselves into debt. It is important that every organisation, even those that are non-profitable such as schools and hospitals, keeps track of their finances.
Main Categories of Expenditure in a School
· Staff wages
· Text books and stationary
· Equipment for technology, art, cookery etc.
· School trips
· Student Insurance
· Internet Connection
· Extra curricular activities (clubs)
· Maintenance
· School Food

Human resoursces (HR):
Large organisations have a whole department that looks after recruiting new staff and looking after existing workers. They have to make sure that promotions are dealt with, applicants of the right qualifications and that interviews are conducted according to set rules. They need information about the applicants and about the staff who are already working at the company.
IT systems are vital here.
Activity: A PC retail outlet wants to hire some sales staff:

what information will they need before they call an applicant to an interview?
CV - especially name and phone number so the applicant may be contacted.
Their communication skills because they will be sales staff and these skills are vital here. the applicant must be a confident person.
Qualifications needed for the job e.g. maths, english, etc. etc.
An idea as to whether the person may be right for the job.
what extra information will they need if they appoint someone?

Criminal record check.
Previous job records.
National Insurance number
Uniform size

Many different businesses sell a product, in the process of making the product there is the production process, this is either mass production, batch production, continueoues production or one-off production, with a good IT system the production is kept going and the supply under control if this supply was not kept under control then for example a car manufacturer may run out of components and th eproduction line will come to a standstill, either though the workers are getting paid for this.Batch Production- is when there is a small amount around 1000 being producedMass production- when there is huge amount being produced like car manufacture like FordOne-off production- is when a product is made only once like a conecpt gadgetContinueous production- is when the production line is running 24/7 like making aluminiun cans.

This is the way in which a product is advertised. It can’t be sold if no one knows about it, and the right people need to know. Therefore, market research is carried out so that products and services are advertised to the right audience.
For example, if a published wants to sell a new textbook, he will need to contact exam boards, teachers, pupils etc to make sure that correct, necessary and helpful information if included. It will also need to be advertised to the right people- schools, teachers, students, parents etc. This could be through school magazines, teaching websites, revision websites and websites such as Amazon.

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